Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cake Balls Part 2


I was up so late last night trying to finish my balls. I had no idea it would take so long to put reindeer antlers on chocolate balls, or that the white chocolate took so long to cool off and get hard on my balls. (HAHA, I said "hard on") *snicker* *giggle* *snort* AHEM!

I started off with the Christmas Trees and I really had fun with them and I think they turned out fabulous!!! Here are a couple of pictures of the Christmas Trees...

After the trees I moved on to the snowmen, the first several turned out really well. My balls were really nice and smooth and the chocolate dried on them very quick so there wasn't any drooping at all. Then things went wrong, I'm not sure if the white chocolate was too hot or what but the chocolate started clumping and then it didn't want to stick to my balls so only about half of the snowman balls were asthetically pleasing to the eye. The rest were just shrivled up pathetic looking balls. Painting little faces on snowman balls isn't as easy as one would think. I'm not happy with they way they turned out and I doubt I will make them again. Here are a few pictures.

On to the reindeer. These were so fun. The chocolate was smooth but my balls were not. Somewhere in the initial cooling process my balls got a little wonky so some of the reindeer balls look a little deformed. These by far were the most fun. Although I need to come up with a better plan for the eyes, some of them looked like they had been sneaking a little nip of Santa's happy juice. Drunken reindeer balls they were. Here are a few pictures.

All in all it was a lot of fun especially if you leave out the part where I hit my knee on the cabinet and my back, legs and feet were hurting so bad that I wanted to cry. Next time I will figure out a way to sit down through the entire process.

This project was more about a trial run for Christmas Eve than anything else so my final analysis is this: I will do the Christmas trees again as the reindeer but for Christmas Eve I think I will just make plain old balls dipped in chocolate because DAMN that was a LOT of work.

Also, I dipped pretzels in the leftover melted chocolate. Yummy!

So, happy cake balls to all and to all a Happy Thursday.



Kyle said...

those are cool! Sound like a lot of work, and this year I'm doing all easy treats.. but maybe I should try doing cake balls sometime

Meg said...

Damn those turned out AWESOME!!!!!

KayJay said...

Kyle, I'm definitely not making them again for Christmas Eve with Lin's family, but I might do just plain chocolate covered cake balls.

KayJay said...

Thanks Meg!!!